As you can see we have an item adder on this site.Just put your Club Penguin name and password and the item id you would like to add.(Beware that rare items like Party Hat have an extremely high risk of getting banned,so try first with an spare account)How does it works?We log into your penguin and use our Club Penguin Item Adder Program.So it can take a few hours or even days until you receive the item.(You cannot login until then or you can be banned)
- Welcome to the Club Penguin Item Adder download page! We have 2 CP Item Adders (Non-Download and the Download) 1st Item Adder (Non-Download): This Item Adder may take 1-2 days of effect! This Item Adder is for members only! Steps: 1- Pick an item to be added to your account on our list.
- Club penguin adders: home; money maker; furniture adder; item adder; stamp hacker; puffle feeder; igloo adder; igloo adder download n0 surveys 100%.
Penguin Lodge Item Adder
I really hope you will enjoy our item adder. 😉
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Club Penguin Rare Item Adder No Download Pc
What's the rarest item you own in CPR? Do you have any items on this list? Discord: Twitter: CPR.