Opl Iso

Opl Iso

Introduction Open PS2 Loader (OPL) is a 100% Open source game and application loader for the PS2 and PS3 units. It supports three categories of devices: USB mass storage devices, SMB shares and the PlayStation 2 HDD unit. USB devices and SMB shares support USBExtreme and.ISO formats while PS2 HDD supports HDLoader format. To browse PS2 ISOs, scroll up and choose a letter or select Browse by Genre. If you're feeling adventurous, try the advanced rom browser.

Open PS2 Loader (OPL) is a 100% Open source game and application loader for the PS2 and PS3 units. It now supports.ISO images on HDD, Ethernet SMB shares, and USB while also maintaining compatibility with USB Advance/Extreme format. It's now the most compatible homebrew loader and it should work without ps2load or change DNASXXX.IMG tricks. PS2 OPL-PORT -Colecovision (ColemPS2 1.0beta) deba5er's MOD 2016-09-28 UniqueUserName, Sep 28, 2016 Colecovision Emulator OPL ready ISO (version 1.0beta) -deba5er.

  • M.A.M.E. emulator for the PS2.

  • This version was modded by PS2NEWZ to bypass the original Naplink requirements.

    This OPL-PORT ISO may seem a little tricky at first, and for good reason... it IS the most complicated of all my ISOs to set up.
    (luckily, I have several tricks for you, that will speed up the process, AND do most of the work for you too.)
    DONT skip ANY steps... AND read this whole guide... or else, you WILL most likely end up with a blue border upon boot.
    (blue border indicates you have to start over... so hang onto the zip there, Lucky)
    There is no forum help I know of, that can talk you through a blue border incident.
    (basically, it means you skipped something, and couldve corrupted the whole filesystem... games, elf binary, and all)
    Yeah, worse than a black screen of death... not cool.
    All MAME games MUST be MAME-version '37b16', in order to be compatible with the PS2.
    All MAME games MUST be in seperate, individual, zipped folders.
    (inside the ROMS folder)
    All MAME games MUST be named in a DOS 8.3 format.
    (which mean they canNOT be more than 8 characters in name-length.
    (NO EXCEPTIONS!.. however I have been looking into a workaround to this)
    There is a Plea for help on this subject, at the bottom of this guide.
    All MAME games MUST be matched EXACTLY the same with your 'gamelist.TXT'.
    (and are completely case-sensitive... or else, hello blue border .
    ... so Ive come up with an easy method to get you through all of this, and I will list it here for you...
    (for getting it right the first time, if you can follow these simple instructions step by step)
    -----Things you will need:
    1. OPL v0.9.3 (and a way to run it), PS2, and a Computer...
    2. My MAME OPL-PORT ISO...
    (pre-set-up port for OPL)
    3. Games.
    (you must ALWAYS supply your own Games)
    4. UltraISO.
    (an invaluable program you should have anyways)
    5. Bulk Rename Utility.
    (it can remove extensions from an entire folder in mere seconds)
    6. Directory Lister.
    (it creates a list of a folders contents, with filenames only (and .TXT) options)
    7. Time- A twenty minute learning curve the first time.
    (after that, it shouldnt even take five minutes)
    With the setup Im about to explain to you, your limit of games per ISO will be capped at 200.
    (so dont try to add any extras... you shouldnt have that many anyways, unless you own an arcade)
    Getting Started:
    1- 'GATHER' all your games into a single folder.
    (individually ZIPPED folders)
    2- 'OPEN' Bulk Rename Utility, and navigate to your games folder.
    (press 'CTRL + A', when you see the before/after window viewing your games)
    3- Click the 'DOWN-ARROW' next to the word 'SAME'.
    (extension-11, in the bottom-righthand-corner)
    4- Click 'REMOVE', in the list that pops up.
    (then click the BIG button in the corner, 'RENAME')
    5- Click the 'DOWN-ARROW' next to the word 'SAME'.
    (case-4, in the lower-middle-left area)
    6- Click 'UPPER', in the list that pops up.
    (then click the BIG button in the corner, 'RENAME')
    NOTE: At this point in your games folder, there should be no '.ZIP' extensions, and all gamenames should be 'UPPERCASE'.
    7- 'CLOSE' Bulk Rename Utility.
    (RED 'X' Tab, in upper-right corner of its-window)
    8- 'OPEN' Directory Lister, and click the 'SELECT' tab.
    (type 'gamelist' into the 'filename' box, and click the 'OPEN' tab)
    9- 'NAVIGATE' into the folder where you can see your games.
    (check '.TXT', 'OPEN FILE', and 'JUST FILENAMES', at top of screen middle-left side)
    10- Click the 'GO' tab, and wait for 'gamelist.txt' file to open.
    (hold DELETE for roughly 11 lines, or until your 1st game takes up the WHOLE first line)
    11- 'SAVE' it to the desktop (make sure its 'gamelist.txt').
    (check to see if it looks THE SAME as my example gamelist)
    NOTE: at this point in the gamelist, all your gamenames should be 8 characters or less in length.
    Also, there should be no space between your games and the top.
    ...AND 1 extra seemingly blank line at the bottom.
    (if so SAVE it, DELETE mine, then MOVE yours to where mine was)
    12- 'CLOSE' Directory Lister.
    (RED 'X' Tab, in upper-right corner of its-window)
    13- 'OPEN' Bulk Rename Utility, and navigate to your games folder.
    (press 'CTRL + A', when you see the before/after window viewing your games)
    14- Click inside the 'WHILE BOX' next to the word 'SAME' (right-side).
    (extension-11, in the bottom-righthand-corner)
    15- 'TYPE' the word 'ZIP' in the 'WHITE BOX'.
    (then click the BIG button in the corner, 'RENAME')
    16- 'CLOSE' Bulk Rename Utility.
    (RED 'X' Tab, in upper-right corner of its-window)
    NOTE: The hard part is now over.
    At this point in your games folder, your extensions should all be back to '.ZIP' as they were originally.
    (or atleast, the most time consuming part, if done manually, which is also the easiest part, to screw up lol)
    The home stretch... you should already know the rest of these steps... but do them while reading anyways!
    -----More Steps:
    1. 'OPEN' the ISO with 'UltraISO'.
    (resize its-window to the left-half of your screen)
    2. 'DRAG+DROP' your 'GAMELIST' into the ROOT of the ISO.
    (where the 'SYSTEM.CNF' file is located!)
    (while holding-down the Left-Mouse-Button)
    3. 'DOUBLE-CLICK' the 'ROMS' folder inside the ISO.
    (to open up ROMS folder for the addition of games)
    4. 'NAVIGATE' to where you have your 'games' stored.
    (resize folder-window to the right-half of your screen)
    5. 'HIGHLIGHT' the games you would like to 'add'.
    (OR Select-All with 'CTRL + A')
    6. 'DRAG+DROP' your games into the ROMS folder.
    (while holding-down the Left-Mouse-Button)
    7. Click 'FILES' Tab > 'Properties', make sure 'UDF' + 'ISO9660' are checked.
    (in UltraISO obviously... setting it as default, ONLY defaults for each ISO individually)
    8. Click 'OK'.
    (OR press 'ENTER')
    9. 'CLOSE' UltraISO.
    (RED 'X' Tab, in upper-right corner of its-window)
    10. Click 'YES', when the 'Save-Changed-File' box appears.
    (OR press 'ENTER')
    11. 'MOVE' the CONTENTS, of ALL folders in the zip, to where its !FOLDERNAME! says.
    (ONLY the CONTENTS, of these special directing folders, NOT any !FOLDER ITSELF!)
    12. 'BOOT' OPL, and Launch your ISO from whatever menu corresponds to your device.
    (ISO goes in 'CD' folder on ROOT of USB... OR treat as a PS2 game if used in IHD)
    FINAL NOTE: I know this guide was longer than the average, BUT only another 27 steps and we will be close to being done here.
    No seriously, its over already lmao, but you wanted to learn to use the most difficult (and most misunderstood) emulator Ive ever come across on the PS2.
    You came, you saw, you conquered!
    If you were capable of following all those steps (with my noob-friendly commentary along the way), then you shouldve had no problem booting the ISO on the first shot, and can now see your gamelist in the emulator.
    If you thought all that was overly difficult, there is something you should know...
    ... I just typed this whole document from memory... while in a truck, and stuck in traffic lol.
    If anyone, anywhere, has any ideas, about how to bypass the DOS 8.3 naming scheme, for this emulator...
    Please contact -UniqueUserName @ either PSX-SCENE.COM or PSX-PLACE.COM...
    It is the only one that I havent been able to figure out a workaround for yet.
    No source nor author are available.
    Calling ALL Devs... please fix MAME !
    Okay, well Ive got to get back to driving now, so stop reading this already, and go enjoy the games you just worked so hard for.
    -UniqueUserName @ PSX-SCENE.COM @ PSX-PLACE.COM

Opl Iso File