Qbb File Reader

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Qbb File Reader

Free Qbb File Reader

A qbb is a quickbooks archive file and no matter what other extension you change it to or what other application you associate it with it remains a quickbooks archive file that is not readable in.

by Dominick Bellia, CPA, CITP on September 11, 2017 in Accounting Systems, Bookkeeping, Outsourced Accounting, QuickBooks

When you change a file's extension, you change the way programs on your computer read the file. The problem is, changing the file extension does not change the file format. If you have helpful information about the.qbb file extension, write to us! Rate our QBB page. Please help us by rating our QBB page on a 5-star rating system below. I have yet to find a 'free' tool for QB. And even more fun, you will need the version for the file you are reading otherwise you will have to run a conversion when you open the file. I think I have 8 or so versions. Once you have the file open you can output the reports to Excel for your client/the Court/etc. 1 main working file (.QBW) - created by the administrator and saved in a windows folder. 2 backup file types (.QBB,.QBM) - created by you and should be saved in an external storage device. 3 database support files (.ND,.DSN,.TLG) - auto-created by the system. In order of importance, you only need to know the QBW and QBB files.

If this information is of interest or if you need assistance with QuickBooks, please click here to contact CBM Vice President Dominick Bellia.

The “Period Copy” in QuickBooks Premier Accountant Edition and QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions allows you to share data for a specific time period with others, such as banks, investors or the Internal Revenue Service. Until this new feature, businesses had to hand over a copy of the entire QuickBooks file to interested parties. Not a first choice for many business owners. The Period Copy now makes it possible to drill down into your file and choose a specific time period to share.

Here’s an example. Let’s say the IRS is requesting an audit of your books for a particular tax year. Most users would simply create a backup of the entire QuickBooks file and send it to the auditor. That file would, of course, include financial information for all years — years not even pertaining to the audit. The Period Copy feature is designed to allow users to make a copy of their QuickBooks file that includes ONLY the data they wish to share.

Here’s how it works. The Period Copy is part of the Condense Data Feature, which is accessed from the File Menu under Utilities. As with any Condense Data activity, budget information may be removed during this process. For the purposes of the Period Copy this is not typically a concern. To create the Period Copy, select the transaction dates for the period you want to keep in the Condense Data window.

Click Next and select the Preferred Summary Journal Entry format.

A single summary journal entry is recommended but monthly entries can also be created. There is also an option to bypass the creation of summary journal entries altogether. This option will result in inaccuracies in the company’s financial results and would require manual entry of beginning balances. You can also elect to summarize inventory transaction information and remove various types of other transactions and unused list entries.

Once you’ve indicated the settings of the Period Copy click “Begin Condense” to create the new file.

NOTE: The original working file is not affected. Be patient. It can take time to create the file. Once the process is complete, the new Period Copy file will be opened. You can access and use the original complete company file at any time.

So, your smaller Period Copy is now available to share with third parties. Please contact Dominick Bellia if you have questions.

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Do I have the right program?

If you don’t have a program installed on your computer that’s compatible with QBB files, you won’t be able to open one. See if you have one of the most common programs associated with QBB files listed below.

  • QuickBooks Backup File

What type of file is it?

When you can’t open QBB files, try to figure out the file type. This can help you find the right program to open it. Usually, QBB files are considered Backup Files. However, you can look up the file type to be sure. Start by right-clicking the file icon and clicking “Properties” (“More Info” if you’re on a Mac). Then look for the file type under “Type of File” (“Kind” on a Mac).


Can a developer help?

When you can’t open QBB files, a software developer might be able to help. The developers for the programs mentioned above are as follows:

QuickBooks Backup FileIntuit Inc.

Try contacting one of these developers to find out how you can open your QBB file.

Can I use a universal file viewer?

A universal file viewer is the way to go when you have QBB files that can’t be opened by any other program. Install a universal file viewer like File Magic (Download) and see if it will open your QBB file. Remember that if your file is not compatible, the universal file viewer will only open it in binary format.

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Qbb File Reader Download

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